If you are enrolled in an Honors or Advanced Placement (AP) English class, you are required to do summer reading and writing. Please choose the appropriate class below to complete your summer reading and writing exercises BEFORE the school year begins. Each class document has deadlines listed within the text.
Summer Reading 2024
- English Honors 1
- English Honors 2
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP English Literature and Composition
English Honors 1
This is for incoming 9th grade students.
East Union High School Honors English I Summer Reading
The summer reading program serves two important functions for the Honors English program:
- Keep you active as readers, broadening your horizons to see things from another perspective, and
- Keep your brain from getting lazy over summer by writing about what you have read. This will ease your transition into the program.
The summer reading assignments will be part of your grade for the first semester.
Your assignment due dates are listed below:
- June 28 for “Choice Book” PowerPoint
- July 26 for Speak by submission to turnitin.com.
PART ONE: PowerPoint assignment due June 28th by 11:59 pm emailed to me at jtemps@musd.net
English Honors 2
Read the Full Reading assignment
Questions or concerns? Email mcabrera@musd.net
Choice Reading Responses due June 28th by 11:59 pm
Night Responses due July 26th by 11:59 pm
The summer reading program is an essential feature of the Honors/A. P. English Program serves two functions: 1) to keep you active as a reader, broadening your horizons, and 2) to forestall summer brain death through writing about what you have read. This vital requirement will ease your transition into the A.P. English Program. In the sophomore year, the summer reading selections are thematically linked. They will give you a deeper understanding of how people react during social upheaval, providing evidence for both sides of the ancient argument: How much control do we have over our destiny? Exploring the darker aspects of humanity, along with studying how people are affected by the decisions they make. They will provide concrete ideas of how you can develop a hopeful vision for the future and actively work to change the world for the better.
The summer reading assignments will be part of your grade for the first semester. Your typed responses and literary analysis will count as writing assignments, which are weighted at 20% of your overall grade. They are due on June 28th and July 30th by 11:59 PM through turnitin.com. Students who do not complete both summer reading assignments risk failing the first semester.
AP English Language and Composition
Read the Full English 3 AP Document
This course is for incoming Juniors.
Questions? Email Mr. Smith at nsmith@musd.net
Outliers: The Story of Success Responses Due June 16 by 11:59 PM
The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas Responses Due July 7 by 11:59 PM
1984 Responses Due by July 28 by 11:59 PM
The summer reading program is an important feature of the Honors/A. P. English Program, and it serves two functions: 1) to keep you active as readers, broadening your horizons, and 2) to forestall summer brain death through writing about what you have read. This important requirement will ease your transition into the A.P. English Program.
In the junior year, the summer reading selections are nonfiction and fiction based and will give you a deeper understanding of the different voices that permeate expository texts and great literature. You will be exploring complex narrative structures, issues, and personal dilemmas that should inform you about the complex ways that human beings interact with their world.
The summer reading program and accompanying assignments will be part of your grade (10%) for the first semester. Your typed responses to the literary analysis questions will be due June 16 (Outliers: The Story of Success), July 7 (Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas), and July 28 (1984) by 11:59 PM through submission to turnitin.com. I will be unavailable and out of technology’s reach intermittently throughout the summer. So, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.
AP English Literature and Composition
Read the Full English 4 AP Document
This class is for incoming 12th grade AP students
- Picture of Dorian Gray Responses Due June 16 by 11:59 PM
- The Road Responses Due July 7 by 11:59 PM
- The Catcher in the Rye Responses Due by July 28 by 11:59 PM
English Literature and Composition AP: Summer Reading Selections
(209) 858-7270
The summer reading program is an important feature of the Honors/A. P. English Program and it serves two functions: 1) to keep you active as readers, broadening your horizons, and 2) to forestall summer brain death through writing about what you have read. This important requirement will ease your transition into the A.P. English Program.
In the senior year, the summer reading selections are critical and fiction based and will give you a deeper understanding of the different voices that permeate great literature. You will be exploring complex narrative structures, issues, and personal dilemmas that should inform you about the complex ways that human beings interact with their world.
The summer reading program and accompanying assignments will be part of your grade (10%) for the first semester. Your typed responses to the literary analysis questions will be due June 16 (Picture of Dorian Gray), July 7 (The Road) and July 28 (The Catcher in the Rye) by 11:59 PM through submission to turnitin.com. I will be unavailable and out of technology’s reach intermittently throughout the summer. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE.